What to Do When Your Child with OCD or Anxiety Won’t Discuss it

This episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

Often parents give up before they even start because their child with OCD or anxiety refuses to talk. It is easy to think there is nothing you can do if you can’t get your child to discuss their anxiety or OCD.

But there is always a place to start, always

In this episode of the AT Parenting Survival Podcast, we discuss reasons why kids refuse to talk about anxiety or OCD and what to do to help them move forward.

Kids refuse to talk about anxiety or OCD for various issues. Here are some common ones:

-They have a hard time expressing their emotions in general

-They are embarrassed about having anxiety or OCD

-They think you’ll force them to work on their issues

-They don’t fully trust you or your reactions 

-They don’t want to burden you or increase your anxiety

-They are worried about what you’ll think

-They have a stereotypical view of these issues which causes shame

So where to start? The first step is to figure out why the shutdown is occurring. Does your child struggle communicating with you in general? Do they have a hard time expressing difficult situations? Or is this specific to just anxiety or OCD struggles?

In this week’s episode of the AT Parenting Survival Podcast, we discuss reasons why kids refuse to talk about anxiety or OCD and what to do to help them move forward.

YouTube video for kids and teens: Do You Avoid Talking About Anxiety or OCD

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