Helping Kids Who Think Everybody Hates Me!

Do you find that no matter where you go or what your child is doing, they always say, “everybody hates me!”

In this short kids Youtube video, I am talking to kids who often say, “everybody hates me!” When in reality they are well liked.


Perhaps it baffles you because you see your child talking to other kids. You see them laughing. You see people waving at them. They have friends to play with at recess. They are invited to birthday parties.


Maybe you have even asked the teacher or coach, “Does my child have friends?” Only to see a look of puzzlement on their face. “Of course, everybody adores him!”


So you might be wondering what is going on?


This is actually a fairly common issue among anxious kids, especially those with social anxiety. Anxious kids tend to read subtle social cues and can often over read them.


In this week’s Ask the Child Therapist, Kids Edition video I talk to kids who feel like everybody hates them.


Click below to watch:

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Other Related Resources on Social Struggles:


Online Class to help kids with Social Anxiety. Click here to learn more.

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 96 Kids Edition: Teach Kids How to Deal with Social Anxiety

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 115 Kids Edition: When Anxiety Impacts Your Social Skills