What’s Your Child’s Ground Zero for Their Contamination OCD?
This video is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.
Contamination OCD is one of the most debilitating OCD themes because it can get out of control pretty quickly.
When OCD tells our kids that they cannot touch something, it starts an avalanche of rules and hypervigilance that can take over their life.
Contamination OCD can put them on a hamster wheel of tracking what they’ve touched, what other things touched and how contaminated things have become.
Sometimes they can get so buried in OCD’s rules and compulsions that they forget what even started the chaos.
What is your child’s contamination ground zero? What is OCD truly threatening them with? When they discover the ground zero of their contamination OCD, they can do exposures that get to the heart of the beast.
In this week’s YouTube video for kids, teens and young adults, we’ll explore what is their contamination OCD ground zero.
🌸 Want to give your child or teen more in-depth support? Check out my course, Crushing OCD Class for Kids and Teens.
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