This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Wearsafe for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
I often like to cover child safety topics on Anxious Toddlers. We recently talked about teaching our kids safety tips beyond stranger danger. This was a hugely popular article because as parents, we all strive to keep our kids safe.
I am often approached to do product reviews or write sponsored posts, I rarely choose to do them. When I heard about the Wearsafe Tag – I actually asked the company if I could write about their product!
Have you heard about Wearsafe? I hadn’t until recently. I am in love with this product and so is my daughter.
Okay, so what is it? A Wearsafe Tag is a small device that your kids can wear or put on their backpack, purse or keychain.
The Wearsafe Tag works by using the power of an iPhone or Android. If your kids are in distress, they do not have to reach for their phone. All they have to do is press the Wearsafe Tag and the audio from the scene is transmitted to friends and family (whoever you have designated as the contact people for the device).
Once kids press the Wearsafe Tag it starts a live chat room where their loved ones can coordinate a response or call 911. All this without alerting anyone around them. I love that!
I told my thirteen-year-old daughter about the Wearsafe Tag and she was more excited than me. She asked, “Mom can I wear it all the time?”
My daughter loved the idea of having the extra protection with her at all times (and I did too)! She was concerned about what would happen if I didn’t answer my phone. I explained to her that it could reach multiple people at the same time. We started a list of who it would contact.
In the past, my daughter and I have joked about putting a Tile on her backpack. A Tile is one of those GPS tracking devices. But a Wearsafe Tag brings so much more to the table. I can instantly hear what is happening, locate where she is, coordinate with other loved ones and call for help – all from an app on my phone.
We started to talk about all the situations that make us both feel a bit uneasy. When she stays home by herself, when she goes to a new friend’s house, when she is at a sleepover, when she is walking home from school.
As a child therapist, I have probably made her more aware of potential dangers – even at a friend’s house.
We agreed that with a Wearsafe Tag she wouldn’t have to call me with a code word – she could just press the button and I will stop what I am doing and come to her right away. All the while I could be listening to what is going on.
This product is great for kids, but I found myself wanting this product as well. I am often in situations where I am alone late at night after work. Sometimes I will keep my phone out as a safety precaution. Probably not smart, as my hands are not freed up as I am juggling my phone and keys while trying to get into my car. Now I could just clip a Wearsafe Tag on my pants and keep my hands free.
I am going to have to order another one or my daughter and I are going to fight over it. The cool thing is that Wearsafe Tags are crazy cheap. You can order one online for free and just pay a $5 monthly subscription with no contracts or obligations. Every parent should get one (or two) of these.Try it free!
I recently came across another therapist who offers an e-course to walk parents through completely safe guarding their technology. There are so many ways we can protect our kids if we just knew how! His wealth of knowledge is super helpful! You can learn more about his course here at iparent 101: Safety in the Digital Age.