An Interview with Kelly Anderson, The Director of Unstuck: an OCD Kids Movie

All too often kids with OCD feel like they are crazy, weird and alone. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact roughly 1 out of every 200 kids has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Luckily there is a movement to help educate the world on what OCD is and how to effectively treat it. As part of this goal, Kelly Anderson and Chris Baier created the documentary Unstuck: an OCD Kids Movie.

Interview with the Director of Unstuck: an OCD Kids Movie

Unstuck features a group of kids of all ages who have OCD. The kids walk us through their struggles with OCD and their treatment successes. It is an awesome documentary for kids and families with OCD as well as those in the community who want to learn more.

I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down and talk with Kelly Anderson, the Director of Unstuck. In our interview she talks about the purpose of the documentary, untold stories about the making of the film and the ripple effect the film has had on the OCD community and beyond.

She also offers her take aways as a parent of a child with OCD, what she wished she knew and what she has learned throughout her journey.

To listen to the interview scroll to the bottom. To watch the interview scroll to the very bottom of the page.

I also had the privilege of interviewing Chris Baier, the Director of the film a few months back. If you missed that interview you can click here or watch it below.


To learn more about the film or to rent it you can visit their website here.


Here is a trailer to Unstuck: an OCD Kids Movie:



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