Are You Working Harder Than Your Child on Their Anxiety or OCD?

Are You Working Harder Than Your Child on Their Anxiety or OCD?

Anxiety and OCD often make our kids push back on help. It might create an us vs them mentality in their mind. It might make them spin their wheels thinking about how they can avoid therapy, hide their compulsions or get others to give in to their anxiety or OCD. Unfortunately, this approach is a boomerang that only winds up hurting them and their long-term progress in the end. In this week’s Youtube video, I talk to kids and teens about how to be honest with themselves about their view of the help they are receiving. I encourage them to take the wheel and start steering their own journey while welcoming the support that surrounds them.

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What’s Holding Your Child Back from Working on OCD?

What’s Holding Your Child Back from Working on OCD?

What’s holding your child back from working on OCD? The answer can be different for each person. Perhaps talking about it feels too scary or embarrassing. Maybe not listening to OCD seems too hard or too risky. For some, it might seem like too much work with not enough payoff. Whatever it might be for your child it is helpful to address those barriers head-on.

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Helping Kids Who Feel too Overwhelmed to Work on OCD or Anxiety

Helping Kids Who Feel too Overwhelmed to Work on OCD or Anxiety

Helping Kids Who Feel too Overwhelmed to Work on OCD or Anxiety Sometimes anxiety or OCD feels SO big that any step to work on it can feel like too much. Sometimes our kids aren’t motivated to work on it because they are too overwhelmed. In this week’s Youtube video for kids and teens, I talk about how to get past the paralysis of overwhelm […]

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