PSP 339: Understanding the Relationship of PANDAS/PANS and OCD

PSP 339: Understanding the Relationship of PANDAS/PANS and OCD

No one knows for certain what causes OCD. We know what areas of the brain are implicated in OCD, but the rest seems up for discussion. We need more research to understand this disorder. Some kids have OCD symptoms due to an umbrella of issues under PANDAS/PANS. Research is showing that inflammation in the brain can impact mental health and cause neuropsychiatric symptoms, including OCD. Many kids have autoimmune issues, infections such as strep or have had environmental exposure to things like mold or Lyme that can cause an inflammatory response.

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PSP 056 : Did You Know Strep Can Cause OCD Symptoms? Learn About PANDAS/PANS in My Interview with Beth Maloney

PSP 056 : Did You Know Strep Can Cause OCD Symptoms? Learn About PANDAS/PANS in My Interview with Beth Maloney

Most of us know that Strep can attack our joints. Most of us know that Strep can attack our heart. But did you know that Strep can attack our brain? It hides behind OCD symptoms. It hides behind children who all of a sudden are afraid to eat, afraid to sleep. Who start to wet the bed. Who start to rage. Who start to develop compulsions, tics and struggles they’ve never had before. It hides under the mystery and denial of PANDAS/PANS.

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