Ask the Child Therapist Episode 32: Stomach Pain and Anxiety: Partners in Crime

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 32: Stomach Pain and Anxiety: Partners in Crime

It’s another school day. Which means another stomach ache. Another battle of wills. Lots of tears. Lots of threats. Eat Dinner. Go to bed. Repeat. Why is your child constantly clutching their stomach? Why are they paralyzed with fear and…heartburn. Unfortunately stomach pain and anxiety like to hang out together and I mean – often. They are best friends and they like to team up against your child. 

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My Stomach Hurts. I Can’t Go to School!

My Stomach Hurts. I Can’t Go to School!

It starts off with stomach complaints. I feel sick. I feel like I am going to throw up. I can’t go to school. You take them to the doctor. You give them antacid medication. Nothing seems to help. This happens every year. My Stomach hurts. I can’t go to school. They feel better on Saturday. They feel better on Sunday. But, then Sunday night it […]

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