Sensorimotor OCD and the Urge to Pee Over and Over Again 😩

Sensorimotor OCD and the Urge to Pee Over and Over Again 😩

Sensorimotor OCD makes people hyperfocus on bodily functions. One of those bodily functions is the need to pee. When you have sensorimotor OCD you hyperfocus on your bladder’s sensations. You might go to the bathroom over and over. You might check to see if you need to pee repeatedly.

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Helping Kids Understand Sensorimotor OCD

Helping Kids Understand Sensorimotor OCD

When people think of OCD they think of a “neat freak” or a “germaphobe.” Neither of which really sums up OCD. But one sub-type of OCD that is often misunderstood is Sensorimotor OCD.

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PSP 131: Sensorimotor OCD | When Kids Get too Focused on Breathing, Blinking, Swallowing and Peeing

PSP 131: Sensorimotor OCD | When Kids Get too Focused on Breathing, Blinking, Swallowing and Peeing

We all do many things without a conscious thought. Our heart beats. Our food is digested. Our breath goes in and then goes out. Our eyes lids go up and then they go down. Our bladder constantly fills. But what happens when your attention constantly goes to these automatic behaviors? Welcome to the torturous world of Sensorimotor OCD.

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