Does Your Sensitive Child Crumble When People Yell or Have a Tone?

Does Your Sensitive Child Crumble When People Yell or Have a Tone?

Does Your Sensitive Child Crumble When People Yell or Have a Tone? How many times have you heard, “Stop yelling at me!” When you are calmly telling your sensitive child what to do? Or how often do you hear, “She is so mean!” When your child is talking about teachers with an “all business” attitude. For some anxious kids, when people yell or have a […]

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Ask the Child Therapist Episode 111 Kids Edition: Helping Sensitive Kids Let Go of Grudges

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 111 Kids Edition: Helping Sensitive Kids Let Go of Grudges

Having anxiety can often make us super sensitive. We feel deeper. We love deeper. And we hurt deeper. True story. So when people wrong us, it is hard to let go of the grudges that quickly grow when we’ve been hurt.

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Does your Child Hate Tags & Jeans and Loves Seamless socks? We Should Talk.

Does your Child Hate Tags & Jeans and Loves Seamless socks? We Should Talk.

If you scour the internet for seamless socks and buy multiple pairs of the same exact pants because your child will actually wear them, you are not alone. There are many of us out there, dealing with sensitive children who give us a long list of criteria for what they are willing to wear.

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How to Stop the World From Crushing Your Sensitive Children

How to Stop the World From Crushing Your Sensitive Children

Your sensitive children are the helpers on the playground. Your sensitive children are the first ones to notice when other people cry. She is kindhearted. He is considerate. They go out of their way to make sure everyone is happy. They look for your approval, their teacher’s approval. Their heart is big. Their armor is small.   They are crushed when people are mean to […]

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