PSP 184: Four Simple Steps to Help Kids Self-Regulate with Lauren Spigelmyer

PSP 184: Four Simple Steps to Help Kids Self-Regulate with Lauren Spigelmyer

4 Simple Steps to Help Kids Self-Regulate with Lauren Spigelmyer Many of our kids have a hard time self-regulating. Just like other skills, we often have to teach our kids how to successfully handle their difficult emotions. This can be especially hard for kids that have anxiety and OCD. When you are a child who already struggles with hyperarousal, it doesn’t take much to throw […]

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PSP 095: Teaching Kids Coping Skills with Janine Halloran

PSP 095: Teaching Kids Coping Skills with Janine Halloran

Many of us deal with kids who don’t know how to calm down. Kids who rage over the slightest issue or kids who get paralyzed with fear with any small change.

You may not know how to build your child’s coping mechanisms. Many of us throw platitudes like, “calm down” or “you’re fine.” Unfortunately most of the time that doesn’t cut it. Teaching kids coping skills can be hard, but it is such a crucial thing to teach.

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