Helping a Child with Anxiety Around Grades and School Performance

Helping a Child with Anxiety Around Grades and School Performance

It is wonderful when our kids want to do a good job and excel in school. But what happens when that determination actually sabotages them? What happens when it makes them stay up all night working on assignments that should have taken a few minutes? What happens when they are so consumed with their good grades and school performance that they are filled with paralyzing anxiety?

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Ask the Child Therapist Episode 68 Kids Edition: Help! My Anxious Child Refuses to Go to School? How to Deal with School Anxiety.

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 68 Kids Edition: Help! My Anxious Child Refuses to Go to School? How to Deal with School Anxiety.

Anxiety loves avoidance. It feeds off avoidance. It grows bigger, strong and more ferocious with avoidance. So it is no wonder that anxiety will make going to school one of the most difficult things an anxious child can do. The sad reality is – the more a child avoids school, the more they will fear going to school. It is a vicious cycle that many anxious kids can’t seem to stop. So how do you help when a child refuses to go to school? The key is in explaining how anxiety works. Explaining what feeds anxiety. Teaching them how anxiety grows bigger and stronger when it is fed delicious avoidance.

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How to Calm First Day of School Worries

How to Calm First Day of School Worries

You survived. It was touch and go at times, but you made it through another summer with the kids. As you excitedly scamper around buying backpacks, school supplies and lunch boxes – your kids may be more than a little less enthused. Some might even be developing a knot in their stomachs as the idea of a new school year approaches. First day of school […]

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My Stomach Hurts. I Can’t Go to School!

My Stomach Hurts. I Can’t Go to School!

It starts off with stomach complaints. I feel sick. I feel like I am going to throw up. I can’t go to school. You take them to the doctor. You give them antacid medication. Nothing seems to help. This happens every year. My Stomach hurts. I can’t go to school. They feel better on Saturday. They feel better on Sunday. But, then Sunday night it […]

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