Helping Kids Discover Core Fears Driving Anxiety or OCD

Helping Kids Discover Core Fears Driving Anxiety or OCD

Helping Kids Discover Core Fears Driving Anxiety or OCD Our kids can have a million different intrusive thoughts, anxious feelings and compulsive behaviors. But often there will be a core fear that groups these fears together. It is important to note, that regardless of what theme or core fear a child has, the framework of how to address OCD or anxiety is exactly the same.  […]

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PSP 241: Calling out Anxiety or OCD When a Child is Angry

PSP 241: Calling out Anxiety or OCD When a Child is Angry

Calling out Anxiety or OCD When a Child is Angry We talk about helping our kids realize when it is their anxiety or OCD ruling their behavior. But what happens when we get a loud bark when we do it? Is it a bad sign if our child gets angry? Should we stop? In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast, I talk about when and […]

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Is Anxiety or OCD Taking Over Your Child’s Identity?

Is Anxiety or OCD Taking Over Your Child’s Identity?

Is Anxiety or OCD Taking Over Your Child’s Identity? It is wonderful for our kids to recognize they have anxiety or OCD. It is also helpful for them to communicate when they are struggling with these issues. But sometimes our kids can over identify with their anxiety or OCD. I have OCD, I can’t! It’s my OCD, leave me alone! You know I can’t go. […]

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PSP 229: Can my Child Catch Other Anxiety or OCD Themes?

PSP 229: Can my Child Catch Other Anxiety or OCD Themes?

Can my Child Catch Other Anxiety or OCD Themes? Parents will often ask me, “Can my child catch other anxiety or OCD themes?” What if they read a book on OCD or anxiety and it makes it worse? What if they watch a documentary or participate in a support group with tons of other themes discussed? Won’t their anxiety or OCD just get more ideas? […]

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PSP 222: Interview with Instagram on Safety Measures for Our Kids & Teens

PSP 222: Interview with Instagram on Safety Measures for Our Kids & Teens

Interview with Instagram on Safety Measures for Our Kids & Teens We cannot cocoon our kids from social media and online platforms forever. Eventually most of our kids will enter the online world. So what can we do as parents to keep our kids safe? What are platforms like Instagram doing to stay on top of the wave of younger and younger children on their […]

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