Trying to get your toddlers to listen? Unfortunately we talk to toddlers all wrong. Stop doing this and stop getting frustrated.
Each of my three children have their own versions of stubbornness. My littlest one is giving me the most run for my money – at least that is how it feels right now. She is a toddler getting ready to rule the world, but first she needs to conquer me! She loves her chocolate milk. She loves her chocolate milk very early in the […]
We are all human. We all make mistakes. We all worry. We all wish we had a redo button. Being a child therapist adds another layer of complication. I know what I should be doing. I know what constitutes good parenting and what does not. I know the early signs and symptoms of every childhood mental health disorder. One might think that all […]
One of the reasons why I love toddlers so much is that they are untouched by the layers we all carry. They do not have the layers of social awareness and self-consciousness that burden all of us. They do not think before they speak – and often that makes what they say that much cuter. They share honest observations and make us take a second […]