What’s Your Child’s Ground Zero for Their Contamination OCD?

What’s Your Child’s Ground Zero for Their Contamination OCD?

Contamination OCD is one of the most debilitating OCD themes because it can get out of control pretty quickly. When OCD tells you that you cannot touch something it starts an avalanche of rules and hypervigilance that can take over your life.

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They are Racist?!

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They are Racist?!

OCD can attack what our kids value and that includes their beliefs. One common intrusive OCD thought is the fear that they might be racist or that people will think they are racist.

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They Are Going Crazy? (They’re not alone).

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They Are Going Crazy? (They’re not alone).

OCD has the power to make us feel anything, including crazy. OCD can make us doubt anything, including our sanity. One of OCD’s sneakiest themes is the fear of going crazy.

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Get Poisoned?!

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Get Poisoned?!

OCD loves to make our kids worry. It can make them doubt everything, including their safety. A common OCD fear is that they might get poisoned. This can look different for each person, but the main fear is the same. 

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Does OCD Make Your Child’s Clothes not Feel Just Right?

Does OCD Make Your Child’s Clothes not Feel Just Right?

OCD loves to make our kids uncomfortable and when it comes to just right OCD it can literally do that!

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When OCD Bosses the Family Around

When OCD Bosses the Family Around

OCD doesn’t just boss the child around and tell them what to do or avoid. It loves to involve family members. Often kids just want their family to give in to OCD’s demands. It can be easy to make family members the enemy, when really it is OCD.

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When OCD Says Your Child Will Ruin…

When OCD Says Your Child Will Ruin…

OCD loves to tell our kids that they’ll ruin things. Maybe it tells them that they’ll ruin a vacation or special occasion. Maybe it tells them that they’ll ruin their favorite belongings. Or maybe it tells them that they’ll ruin their favorite song or show. It doesn’t matter. It’s all the same in the end.

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OCD and the Fear You or Others May Turn into Something Else?!

OCD and the Fear You or Others May Turn into Something Else?!

OCD can cause all sorts of confusing intrusive thoughts. A common one is the OCD intrusive thought that you or someone around you may turn into something else. OCD loves doubt and this type of doubt can feel overwhelming.

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Did I Miss Something? Rewind and repeat OCD compulsions

Did I Miss Something? Rewind and repeat OCD compulsions

OCD isn’t always about fears, sometimes it is about feelings. A feeling of incompleteness is common in OCD. One way OCD shows up is in the feeling you didn’t “catch it all.” You might have a feeling of incompleteness or it might trigger other themes like, “am I lying if I said I read this?” Or “will something bad happen if I don’t reread or rewatch this?” This can cause people with OCD to read and reread lines, paragraphs or chapters. It can make people rewind and rewatch videos over and over again. It can make you ask people to repeat themselves or explain themselves over and over again.

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