Is OCD Ruining Your Family Relationships?

Is OCD Ruining Your Family Relationships?

OCD doesn’t only boss your child around, it bosses the entire family around. It is very easy for kids to get frustrated at family members when they do not do what OCD is demanding them to do. OCD wants the whole family to follow its rules and when family members don’t abide, OCD can pit your child against the whole family.

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Sensorimotor OCD and the Urge to Pee Over and Over Again 😩

Sensorimotor OCD and the Urge to Pee Over and Over Again 😩

Sensorimotor OCD makes people hyperfocus on bodily functions. One of those bodily functions is the need to pee. When you have sensorimotor OCD you hyperfocus on your bladder’s sensations. You might go to the bathroom over and over. You might check to see if you need to pee repeatedly.

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