Is Your Child’s OCD Sabotaging Therapy?

Is Your Child’s OCD Sabotaging Therapy?

OCD doesn’t want a spotlight on it. It doesn’t want help. It just wants our kids to do what it says without question.

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PSP 384: Why Family Involvement is Key to OCD Treatment in Kids

PSP 384: Why Family Involvement is Key to OCD Treatment in Kids

OCD doesn’t live in a bubble; it lives in our home. It lives in our families. It is not an isolated disorder. It involves the whole family system.

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When OCD Sabotages Your Child’s OCD Medication

When OCD Sabotages Your Child’s OCD Medication

When your child is trying to beat OCD they are playing chess with a very skilled player. They make their move, OCD makes its move. OCD is always trying to outsmart and outthink their efforts. 

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OCD Coping Strategies vs OCD Treatment Strategies for Kids

OCD Coping Strategies vs OCD Treatment Strategies for Kids

There is a difference between OCD coping strategies and OCD treatment strategies. When we talk about OCD treatment we are focusing on ERP, Exposure Response Prevention, a type of CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy. In order to get relief from OCD we tell kids to lean in and often do the opposite of what OCD compulsions want them to do. But what do they do to cope with the stress, anxiety and overwhelm OCD typically brings with it? What do they do when OCD symptoms are taking a toll? In this week’s YouTube video I talk to kids and teens about the difference between OCD coping strategies and OCD treatments and how to do both.

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PSP 312: How Imaginal Scripts are Used in OCD Treatment

PSP 312: How Imaginal Scripts are Used in OCD Treatment

When we are raising kids with OCD it is important that we fully understand the therapeutic approaches our kids are being taught in therapy. Ultimately we will want our kids to be able to utilize those tools throughout their life. The use of imaginal scripts can be an effective tool in their OCD toolbox. In this episode of the AT Parenting Survival Podcast I explore what imaginal scripts are, how to write an effective one and the most common pitfalls that make them less effective.

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PSP 307: Moving from OCD Treatment to Living with OCD

PSP 307: Moving from OCD Treatment to Living with OCD

Dealing with OCD isn’t like dealing with a cold. It isn’t cured and then we move on. It can help to shift our perspective to focus on how to live and, more importantly, thrive with OCD. In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I talk about how to shift our kids from a victim to an empowerment mentality (and us as well)! We also dive into how to create a lifestyle that acknowledges and works on OCD organically within the home environment.

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PSP 283: Inpatient Treatment for OCD: When to Consider it & What to Do After

PSP 283: Inpatient Treatment for OCD: When to Consider it & What to Do After

OCD can take over our child or teen’s world and sometimes we have to get more intensive support. In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I talk about the different levels of care that are available to kids with OCD, when to consider intensive outpatient or residential care and what to do when they come back home.

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PSP 254: How the Inhibitory Learning Model Changes OCD Treatment

PSP 254: How the Inhibitory Learning Model Changes OCD Treatment

How the Inhibitory Learning Model Changes OCD Treatment OCD approaches are constantly evolving and changing. This is in part due to the wonderful, ongoing research around OCD. In recent years we’ve seen a growing number of OCD therapists incorporate ACT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, into OCD therapy.  We’ve also seen more clinicians embrace the Inhibitory Learning Model approach and have seen practitioners adapt ERP (Exposure […]

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PSP 211: Why Anxiety or OCD Therapy is Not Enough for Our Kids

PSP 211: Why Anxiety or OCD Therapy is Not Enough for Our Kids

Why Anxiety or OCD Therapy is Not Enough for Our Kids Many of us think that if only we can find a qualified anxiety or OCD child therapist, all of our child’s struggles would go away. I wish that were true. I wish that was the case for the children that I have treated and for my own children. But the truth is, as parents […]

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What Effective OCD Treatment Looks Like (and Doesn’t Look Like).

What Effective OCD Treatment Looks Like (and Doesn’t Look Like).

What Effective OCD Treatment Looks Like (and Doesn’t Look Like). Getting OCD treatment from a general therapist who doesn’t specialize in OCD is like going to your primary care physician to get a heart transplant. Proper OCD treatment requires an understanding of evidenced-based treatment approaches, most of which are not taught in graduate school (don’t get me on that soap box). If you suffer with […]

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PSP 064: Answering Questions About Medicating Kids for Anxiety or OCD

PSP 064: Answering Questions About Medicating Kids for Anxiety or OCD

One of the hardest decisions for a parent is whether or not to medicate a child with anxiety or OCD. For many parents who aren’t raising a child with anxiety or OCD this may be a no brainer. But when your child is paralyzed with fear, unable to eat, unable to go to school, is scrubbing their hands until they bleed – you might have a different perspective on medicating kids with anxiety or OCD.

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PSP 053: What is ERP? How it Helps Anxiety & OCD

PSP 053: What is ERP? How it Helps Anxiety & OCD

When children are afraid or obsessed with a horrible thought you might think that the best way to help them is to teach them to get their mind “off of it.” Not only is this not effective, it can actually make anxiety and OCD worse. ERP for OCD and anxiety, also known as Exposure and Response Prevention is a counterintuitive therapy that has some parents running in the opposite direction.

But let me tell you why this wacky approach not only works, but is the gold standard for treatment.

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