The Vicious Cycle of Nausea, Anxiety and OCD

The Vicious Cycle of Nausea, Anxiety and OCD

Nausea is front and center for SO many themes related to anxiety and OCD. Feeling nauseous when you are anxious is incredibly common. So it is not surprising that anxiety, and even OCD, hijack that sensation and make it a theme in and of itself.

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PSP 398: Handling Your Child’s Anxiety, OCD and Christmas Break

PSP 398: Handling Your Child’s Anxiety, OCD and Christmas Break

Just because it is the holiday season doesn’t mean our child’s anxiety and OCD take a break. The holidays can stir up a variety of issues for our kids depending on their particular anxiety and OCD themes. 

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PSP 396: A New OCD Tool to Help Kids Practice Their Skills at Home

PSP 396: A New OCD Tool to Help Kids Practice Their Skills at Home

Often it is hard to get our kids into OCD therapy, and when we do, it can be an uphill battle to get them to practice those skills in between sessions. That is why I’m so excited to offer another tool to your at-home toolbox! 

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What’s Your Child’s Ground Zero for Their Contamination OCD?

What’s Your Child’s Ground Zero for Their Contamination OCD?

Contamination OCD is one of the most debilitating OCD themes because it can get out of control pretty quickly. When OCD tells you that you cannot touch something it starts an avalanche of rules and hypervigilance that can take over your life.

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PSP 383: The Power of Celebrating Small Wins with Anxiety or OCD

PSP 383: The Power of Celebrating Small Wins with Anxiety or OCD

Anxiety and OCD can create hopelessness. It can feel like such an overwhelming task to overcome these struggles. Often we focus on the end goal.

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They Are Going Crazy? (They’re not alone).

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They Are Going Crazy? (They’re not alone).

OCD has the power to make us feel anything, including crazy. OCD can make us doubt anything, including our sanity. One of OCD’s sneakiest themes is the fear of going crazy.

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Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Get Poisoned?!

Does OCD Make Your Child Worry They’ll Get Poisoned?!

OCD loves to make our kids worry. It can make them doubt everything, including their safety. A common OCD fear is that they might get poisoned. This can look different for each person, but the main fear is the same. 

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PSP 373: Should my Teen with OCD Watch Turtles All the Way Down?

PSP 373: Should my Teen with OCD Watch Turtles All the Way Down?

John Green’s new movie Turtles All the Way Down goes a long way in helping the OCD community educate the world about OCD. But should your child or teen with OCD see the movie?

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Helping Kids Understand the Use of Imaginal Scripts to Get OCD Relief

Helping Kids Understand the Use of Imaginal Scripts to Get OCD Relief

OCD tools are not as effective if kids don’t understand why we are using them. That’s the reason I start with educating kids on the WHY around exposures and other OCD tools before we start.

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Is Anxiety or OCD Overwhelming Your Child?

Is Anxiety or OCD Overwhelming Your Child?

Anxiety and OCD are overwhelming. They can be so overwhelming that your child might not want to even try to work on their anxiety or OCD. But there is always hope. 

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PSP 369: Incorrect Assumptions About ERP and OCD Exposure Work

PSP 369: Incorrect Assumptions About ERP and OCD Exposure Work

There are many assumptions about ERP, Exposure Response Prevention, the go-to approach to treat OCD in kids. Some parents (and therapists) don’t understand how ERP is supposed to work, how it is done and what one should expect.

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Is Your Child Doing Mental Compulsions for OCD and Doesn’t Know it?!

Is Your Child Doing Mental Compulsions for OCD and Doesn’t Know it?!

OCD can be sneaky! Often people think they aren’t doing any OCD compulsions and so they don’t think they have OCD. There are a ton of mental compulsions that are often missed!

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PSP 367: If Your Child’s Anxiety or OCD Returns are You Starting Over?

PSP 367: If Your Child’s Anxiety or OCD Returns are You Starting Over?

There is nothing worse than seeing the first signs of anxiety or OCD return. It is a stomach dropping kind of feeling. It can bring all those old emotions flooding to the surface.

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How Do OCD Exposures Work?

How Do OCD Exposures Work?

OCD exposures are at the heart of OCD treatment. When our kids learn how to do effective exposures they can crush OCD and live a life free of OCD’s bossy demands. In this week’s YouTube video I talk about why exposures are so helpful!

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Hidden Superpowers in Kids with OCD

Hidden Superpowers in Kids with OCD

Hidden Superpowers in Kids with OCD
Nobody wants OCD. It can be an overwhelming, debilitating condition. But there are some common strengths in people who have OCD. While learning to crush OCD, it is important that we also celebrate our children’s attributes that make them amazing. Often we miss these things and forget to notice the aspects of our kids that make them wonderful.

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