How to Help Our Kids Stop OCD Intrusive Thoughts (Tell Them Not to Do This!)

How to Help Our Kids Stop OCD Intrusive Thoughts (Tell Them Not to Do This!)

Often when our kids have OCD intrusive thoughts the first thing they do is try to get those intrusive thoughts out of their head. They might do what OCD wants them to do. They might try to not think about it. They might debate, argue and fight OCD. Or they might try to come up with a practical solution to the problem OCD is presenting. The issue with all of those OCD solutions is that they are all based on the validity of what OCD is saying. When they take the OCD intrusive thought seriously, they are already hooked into OCD. In this Youtube video I talk to kids and teens about how to not get hooked into OCD’s lies from the start!

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PSP 297: The Difference Between Gut Instinct vs Anxiety/OCD

PSP 297: The Difference Between Gut Instinct vs Anxiety/OCD

Teaching our kids to trust their gut instinct can be a lifesaver. But what do we do when anxiety or OCD feels like gut instinct? What if intuition is really their OCD magical thinking in disguise? In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I explore the differences between gut instinct and intuition vs anxiety and OCD.

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Is OCD Making it Hard for Your Child to Eat? Learn About ARFID.

Is OCD Making it Hard for Your Child to Eat? Learn About ARFID.

OCD can wreak havoc in many areas of your child’s life, but when it targets their eating it can become a major health issue. ARFID, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder can be caused due to OCD intrusive thoughts. It is a slippery slope that can cause severe weight loss and for some, even hospitalization. In this week’s Youtube video I talk to kids and teens about how to be aware of OCD’s attempts to hijack their eating and how to make their countermoves to maintain their mental and physical health.

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Does Your Child’s OCD Need Certainty?

Does Your Child’s OCD Need Certainty?

One of OCD’s most powerful weapons is the need to know things for certain. This can happen in so many OCD themes. . OCD convinces you that you won’t feel relief until you know *for sure*. The only problem is we’ll never be 100% certain about anything? So, in this week’s Youtube video I talk about how to handle OCD’s taunts about uncertainty and how to push back with your own powerful weapon – acceptance.

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Helping Kids Understand Fight, Flight or Freeze Responses

Helping Kids Understand Fight, Flight or Freeze Responses

We all respond to perceived danger in different ways. It can help to understand the many ways our body and brains can respond to stress, so we are better equipped to handle it when it happens. In this week’s Youtube video I explain to kids and teens the fight, flight or freeze responses to fear and anxiety. I also discuss some ways to work through them.

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5 Things Every Child with OCD Should Know: Here is #3

5 Things Every Child with OCD Should Know: Here is #3

Often kids and even parents are focusing on the wrong thing when it comes to OCD. 

They’ll ask:

How can I make these thoughts go away?

I’m doing therapy, why are the thoughts still there?

How long does it take to make these thoughts or feelings leave?

These are the wrong questions. None of us have the power to stop intrusive thoughts or feelings. The only thing we have the power over is how we respond to these thoughts and feelings.

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PSP 195: How to Help Your Child Maintain Progress with Anxiety or OCD

PSP 195: How to Help Your Child Maintain Progress with Anxiety or OCD

PSP 195: How to Help Your Child Maintain Progress with Anxiety or OCD So your child has just crushed their anxiety or OCD. You are feeling on top of the world and so are they. Now what? This is often when the ball is dropped. It is often when the seeds of the next infestation of weeds are left to grow, unchecked and unmanaged. But […]

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PSP 179: Understanding Magical Thinking in OCD

PSP 179: Understanding Magical Thinking in OCD

Understanding Magical Thinking in OCD OCD symptoms and behaviors can look vastly different in each person. You might have a child who has compulsions centered around contamination while another person might have a child with compulsions around magical thinking. You might have a child with both! I always tell parents that you want to be well versed in all the many ways OCD can pop […]

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PSP 131: Sensorimotor OCD | When Kids Get too Focused on Breathing, Blinking, Swallowing and Peeing

PSP 131: Sensorimotor OCD | When Kids Get too Focused on Breathing, Blinking, Swallowing and Peeing

We all do many things without a conscious thought. Our heart beats. Our food is digested. Our breath goes in and then goes out. Our eyes lids go up and then they go down. Our bladder constantly fills. But what happens when your attention constantly goes to these automatic behaviors? Welcome to the torturous world of Sensorimotor OCD.

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What to Do When Your Child Thinks OCD is Keeping Them Safe

What to Do When Your Child Thinks OCD is Keeping Them Safe

I often hear, “I can’t do that exposure, OCD is keeping me safe!” Unfortunately when a child believes OCD is keeping them safe, it makes it almost impossible for them to agree to exposures.

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How to Help Kids with Just Right OCD

How to Help Kids with Just Right OCD

Your child is stuck. They are on a permanent loop that will not end. They have to do it again and again and again. Time passes but they cannot move on. Your child is not trying to make it perfect. They are not trying to do their best. They are just waiting until it feels “just right.” Welcome to the world of Just Right OCD.

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PSP 104: How to tell the Difference Between Anxiety and OCD

PSP 104: How to tell the Difference Between Anxiety and OCD

Even though anxiety and OCD often go hand in hand, OCD is often missed. So how can you tell the difference between anxiety and OCD? In this week’s episode I dive into the difference and explore why it is so important to figure out.

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PSP 061 : An Interview with Chris Baier, the Producer of Unstuck: An OCD Kids Movie

PSP 061 : An Interview with Chris Baier, the Producer of Unstuck: An OCD Kids Movie

I’m embarrassed. I’m weird. I’m crazy. These are statements I hear every week from kids with OCD. Kids who think they are alone. Kids who don’t understand their disorder. Kids who don’t realize that there are kids all over the world, just like them. Chris Baier understands this struggle all too well. When his daughter Vanessa was just nine she changed from a happy-go-lucky child to a child filled with worries and compulsions. Vanessa also felt alone. She felt like no one else understood what she was going through.

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PSP 054: Exposure and Response Prevention Ideas for Parents Helping Children with OCD

PSP 054: Exposure and Response Prevention Ideas for Parents Helping Children with OCD

So maybe you’ve heard about Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), but the ideas of how to do exposures are just not flowing? Developing exposures require a deep understanding of your child’s core fears, while being creative and thinking out of the box.

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PSP 011: 4 Things Parents Get Wrong About Childhood OCD

PSP 011: 4 Things Parents Get Wrong About Childhood OCD

In this episode I talk about the 4 things parents often get wrong about childhood OCD. I talk about child OCD myths and misperceptions.

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