PSP 325: OCD Recovery and Maintenance with Shaun Flores

PSP 325: OCD Recovery and Maintenance with Shaun Flores

Shaun Flores was only a couple of years into his own struggle with OCD when he became an OCD advocate. He quickly became a stronger messenger of hope through his OCD awareness work. Recently I had Shaun back on the AT Parenting Survival podcast to discuss how his OCD recovery is going, what he does to maintain progress and how the perception of recovery can be part of a bigger issue.

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PSP 307: Moving from OCD Treatment to Living with OCD

PSP 307: Moving from OCD Treatment to Living with OCD

Dealing with OCD isn’t like dealing with a cold. It isn’t cured and then we move on. It can help to shift our perspective to focus on how to live and, more importantly, thrive with OCD. In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I talk about how to shift our kids from a victim to an empowerment mentality (and us as well)! We also dive into how to create a lifestyle that acknowledges and works on OCD organically within the home environment.

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What’s Holding Your Child Back from Working on OCD?

What’s Holding Your Child Back from Working on OCD?

What’s holding your child back from working on OCD? The answer can be different for each person. Perhaps talking about it feels too scary or embarrassing. Maybe not listening to OCD seems too hard or too risky. For some, it might seem like too much work with not enough payoff. Whatever it might be for your child it is helpful to address those barriers head-on.

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PSP 271: Fighting OCD is Often Not What Kids Think

PSP 271: Fighting OCD is Often Not What Kids Think

You’ll often hear the word “fight your OCD.” In fact, one of my favorite books about OCD is called Talking Back to OCD, by John March. But sometimes kids misunderstand what this means (and parents too). When we talk about fighting OCD we are usually talking about a counterintuitive way to push back. A way to approach OCD that may not seem like traditional “fighting” at all.

In this week’s podcast I talk about the counterintuitive way to “fight” OCD and why we need to clarify this with our kids.

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