PSP 074: If you are Raising an Anxious Child – You Need to Hear These 5 Things!

PSP 074: If you are Raising an Anxious Child – You Need to Hear These 5 Things!

Raising an anxious child is hard. I mean really hard. I get it, I have three of them. I also get it because anxious kids and exhausted parents come into my office day after day. I hear the same stories over and over. I see the same struggles rearing its ugly head.

You are not alone.

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PSP 069: 4 Things Only a Parent Raising an Anxious Child Would Get!

PSP 069: 4 Things Only a Parent Raising an Anxious Child Would Get!

One of the most frustrating aspects of raising an anxious child is the lack of understanding other people have for your struggles. Insensitive comments, criticisms or “helpful” advice can leave you feeling inadequate and insecure. Bringing up an anxious child takes a unique set of skills and a completely different parenting style.

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Ask the Child Therapist Episode 26: Why You Should Name Your Child’s Anxiety

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 26: Why You Should Name Your Child’s Anxiety

Children with anxiety can be self-haters. I’ve seen this over and over again in my therapy practice. Anxious kids tell me they feel stupid, insecure and paranoid. They wonder why they are paralyzed with fear, while everyone around them looks just fine. A child’s anxiety can cause tons of self-doubt. Anxiety is a self-esteem killer. Trust me, I know. I’ve been there. You can help your anxious child by naming your child’s anxiety. We aren’t trying to crush them, we are trying to crush their anxiety. You can do this by teaming up with your child and making your child’s anxiety the nemesis for both of you!

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The One Thing Every Kid with Anxiety Should Be Doing

The One Thing Every Kid with Anxiety Should Be Doing

The One Thing Every Kid with Anxiety Should Be Doing Often when I ask a kid with anxiety what helps reduce stress and anxiety, the answer I most often get is “I try to get my mind off of it.” This lets me know that I have my work cut out for me. When people talk about helping a kid with anxiety, they will talk about skill […]

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