Perfectionism Robs Our Kids of This.

Perfectionism Robs Our Kids of This.

Perfectionism can take up our child’s most important commodity – time. When they pour all their energy into perfecting something, other areas of their life suffer. That means that friendships, family relationships, a balanced diet, a good night’s sleep and time to recharge, all get sidelined in the name of perfection.

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How to Help Kids with Perfectionism

How to Help Kids with Perfectionism

How to Help Kids with Perfectionism There is no room for mistakes. There is no room for growth. Everything must be perfect the first time or your child will crumble. Perfectionism has the power to paralyze our kids and make them give up before they even begin. Often our kids think imperfection is synonymous with failure. Ironically it is actually perfectionism that holds our kids […]

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