Helping Kids with Anxiety or OCD who have Holiday Overwhelm

Helping Kids with Anxiety or OCD who have Holiday Overwhelm

Helping Kids with Anxiety or OCD who have Holiday Overwhelm What can be wrong with lots of time off, plenty of parties, some pent up excitement and gift giving? Lots actually, especially if you are a child with anxiety or OCD. It is not unusual for kids to struggle a bit more during the holidays. The reason for this varies depending on the child’s issues, […]

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Child Therapist’s Tips to Help Anxious Kids During the Holidays

Child Therapist’s Tips to Help Anxious Kids During the Holidays

What could go wrong with holiday songs, gifts and yummy treats? A lot if you have anxious kids. Anxious kids during the holidays have a tendency to implode. Any deviation from a predictable routine can make anxious children feel on edge. Add a bunch of over-stimulating and socially demanding activities and you might have a child on overload. So should you shrink wrap your anxious child and put her away until after the holidays? No way! Holidays are the best time of the year. With a few minor adjustments and tips – you can make this time of year go much more smoothly for you and your child!

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