PSP 351: How to Help Anxious Kids through Stories and Books

PSP 351: How to Help Anxious Kids through Stories and Books

There are many creative ways to help anxious kids. One way is through storytelling. Children can immerse themselves into stories and learn along the way. Stories can help normalize the experience of having anxiety and develop problem-solving skills in a more non-directive way.

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PSP 221: Helping Anxious Kids with Big Emotions with Wendy Bertagnole 

PSP 221: Helping Anxious Kids with Big Emotions with Wendy Bertagnole 

Helping Anxious Kids with Big Emotions with Wendy Bertagnole  It’s hard to find an anxious child who doesn’t have BIG emotions at times. It is par for the course for our kids with anxiety and OCD. So how are we supposed to handle them? What approaches will help our kids learn how to work through those big feelings? I always love bringing you experts in […]

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Ask the Child Therapist Episode 80 Kid Edition: How to Help Anxious Kids Deal with Life Changes

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 80 Kid Edition: How to Help Anxious Kids Deal with Life Changes

The only constant in life is change. That’s not good news for our anxious kids. Even small changes can cause anxious children to go into a tailspin. So how can you help anxious kids deal with all the changes life will throw at them?

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PSP 059 : Helping Kids with Anxiety by Doing the Opposite of What Feels Right: Interview with Dr. Kaylene Henderson

PSP 059 : Helping Kids with Anxiety by Doing the Opposite of What Feels Right: Interview with Dr. Kaylene Henderson

Much of what we’ve learned about parenting comes from our own childhood. Good, bad or ugly – it is often what we know. We are also surrounded by people who are quick to share all their parenting wins and strategies. So what happens when typical parenting approaches don’t work for our anxious kids? Helping kids with anxiety often requires a unique set of parenting approaches that can feel counterintuitive.

I had the pleasure of discussing these issues with Dr. Kaylene Henderson, a Child Health Specialist who offers her knowledge and expertise in workshops as well as on her site A Dose of Awesomeness.

We talked about parenting approaches that help anxious kids and discussed aligning with our kids to problem-solve. We talked about doing “just enough” to teach our children self-reliance and self-confidence. She discussed how our own childhood impacts our perspective on parenting, and the interesting science behind it. And lastly we talked about the importance of believing in our children’s abilities.

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