PSP 357: How to Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem with Jesse LeBeau

PSP 357: How to Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem with Jesse LeBeau

Self-esteem and self-confidence can play a big role in our child’s journey with anxiety and OCD. When our anxious kids struggle they can feel overwhelmed with emotions of shame and isolation. They might beat themselves up for being different or for having difficulties.

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PSP 355: Handling Parenting Moments When You Lose It!

PSP 355: Handling Parenting Moments When You Lose It!

We all lose it at one time or another. Parents are human. You are human. We inevitably will lose our cool and say or do things that we regret. But those parenting moments hold untapped clues to what is overwhelming us. Those moments hold wisdom, if we are able to move past the shame to see the insight underneath.

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