PSP 323: Raising a Child With Chronic Health Issues and Anxiety or OCD

PSP 323: Raising a Child With Chronic Health Issues and Anxiety or OCD

It can be difficult having a child with both chronic health issues and anxiety or OCD. Often there is a symbiotic relationship between them. Anxiety and OCD can hijack health issues and make them worse. Stress and worry make health issues worse. It is a vicious cycle that some kids struggle to break. In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I talk about how to help a child with both chronic health issues and anxiety or OCD.

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PSP 275: Helping Kids with Health Anxiety or OCD with Dawn Huebner

PSP 275: Helping Kids with Health Anxiety or OCD with Dawn Huebner

A common theme among kids with anxiety or OCD is their health. Are they breathing? Are they choking? Is that bump going to lead to a horrible disease? This week I brought Dr. Dawn Huebner onto the AT Parenting Survival Podcast to discuss how to help kids who have health anxiety or OCD.

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