PSP 314: How to Help Kids Who Won’t Use Coping Skills

PSP 314: How to Help Kids Who Won’t Use Coping Skills

We all want our kids with anxiety or OCD to use coping skills to deal with anxiety, overwhelm, and dysregulation. But what happens when they refuse to use them? In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast, I talked to my go-to expert on coping skills, best-selling author and therapist, Janine Halloran. In this episode, Janine and I discuss why some kids refuse to use coping skills and what approaches to use in order to help them embrace these tools.

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Helping Kids Understand Why Distraction Doesn’t Help Anxiety or OCD

Helping Kids Understand Why Distraction Doesn’t Help Anxiety or OCD

Helping Kids Understand Why Distraction Doesn’t Help Anxiety or OCD  When I ask kids what’s the main way they cope with anxiety or OCD, I almost always hear distraction. “I try to get my mind off of it,” they usually say. Unfortunately that is like putting a bandaid on a bullet hole to stop the bleeding. Ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away, it […]

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PSP 095: Teaching Kids Coping Skills with Janine Halloran

PSP 095: Teaching Kids Coping Skills with Janine Halloran

Many of us deal with kids who don’t know how to calm down. Kids who rage over the slightest issue or kids who get paralyzed with fear with any small change.

You may not know how to build your child’s coping mechanisms. Many of us throw platitudes like, “calm down” or “you’re fine.” Unfortunately most of the time that doesn’t cut it. Teaching kids coping skills can be hard, but it is such a crucial thing to teach.

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15 of the Best Coping Mechanisms for Kids

15 of the Best Coping Mechanisms for Kids

Do your kids crumble when they are having a meltdown? Do they turn into a puddle when they are overwhelmed? Whether it is anger, anxiety or sadness – many kids have a hard time handling their strong emotions. Coping mechanisms for kids can help with these struggles. Kids are not born knowing how to handle these strong feelings. It is our job to teach them. We can […]

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