Ask the Child Therapist Episode 29: What Makes Anxiety in Children Worse!

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 29: What Makes Anxiety in Children Worse!

Nobody gives parents a handbook when they pop out a kid. Even if they did, it probably wouldn’t have a chapter on anxiety in children. That’s why so many of us with anxious kids feel like we are sailing in a very lonely boat. A boat that no one really taught us how to sail.
She’s refusing to go to school again – is it cruel to make her go? Who the heck knows!
He needs me to be with him until he falls asleep – should I do it? Someone give me a clue!
She’s so shy, I order her food for her – am I helping or hurting her anxiety?
Let’s decode this mystery together. Grab a seat and let’s have a chat…

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Ask the Child Therapist Episode 27: Want to Give Your Kids Anxiety Relief? Teach Them to Do This.

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 27: Want to Give Your Kids Anxiety Relief? Teach Them to Do This.

It sucks watching kids struggle with anxiety. Parents try all sorts of things to help, but often they are missing this key step. Forget about your breathing exercises, aromatherapy and distraction techniques. If you don’t teach your kids this, your anxious kids will never experience anxiety relief.

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Note to Self: Do not Hike with Anxious Children

Note to Self: Do not Hike with Anxious Children

One would think that the idea of hiking with your three wonderfully appreciative children would be a good idea – foolish people! I guess I forgot that I have three anxious children who have never been hiking. It started out good for the first 30 seconds and then it started to unravel quick, fast and in a hurry…. (1st Child) Mom are there bears in […]

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