PSP 398: Handling Your Child’s Anxiety, OCD and Christmas Break

PSP 398: Handling Your Child’s Anxiety, OCD and Christmas Break

Just because it is the holiday season doesn’t mean our child’s anxiety and OCD take a break. The holidays can stir up a variety of issues for our kids depending on their particular anxiety and OCD themes. 

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PSP 397: Feelings of Failure When Our Child’s Anxiety or OCD Doesn’t Get Better

PSP 397: Feelings of Failure When Our Child’s Anxiety or OCD Doesn’t Get Better

As parents we can be hard on ourselves. The parenting journey raising kids with anxiety and OCD can come with many ups and downs. Many of us blame ourselves when our child’s anxiety or OCD doesn’t get better.

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PSP 395: How to Improve Sibling Relationships Despite Anxiety & OCD With Dr. Corinna Tucker

PSP 395: How to Improve Sibling Relationships Despite Anxiety & OCD With Dr. Corinna Tucker

We all want our kids to have strong sibling relationships, but often anxiety and OCD can get in the way. Siblings might feel targeted by the child with anxiety or OCD. They might be on the receiving end of aggression or they might just feel sidelined by how much attention their sibling requires.

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PSP 392: What Stories are You Telling Yourself About Your Child’s Anxiety or OCD?

PSP 392: What Stories are You Telling Yourself About Your Child’s Anxiety or OCD?

We may not have full control over our child’s recovery around anxiety or OCD, but we can control how we show up to their struggles. This can be tricky when our mind is bogged down with what-if scenarios. 

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PSP 390: Helping Kids Who Give Up Easily

PSP 390: Helping Kids Who Give Up Easily

Anxiety and OCD can take a TON of resilience. So when we have kids who generally give up easily, this can impact how they handle their mental health struggles.

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PSP 383: The Power of Celebrating Small Wins with Anxiety or OCD

PSP 383: The Power of Celebrating Small Wins with Anxiety or OCD

Anxiety and OCD can create hopelessness. It can feel like such an overwhelming task to overcome these struggles. Often we focus on the end goal.

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PSP 378: Helping Kids with Anxiety and Panic Attacks

PSP 378: Helping Kids with Anxiety and Panic Attacks

She was visibly shaking. Her hands were trembling and she was asking me to help. Her face was so pale that my own panic started to set in. This was the start of an anxiety attack.

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Is Your Child Trying to Get Rid of Anxiety? That Might be the Problem.

Is Your Child Trying to Get Rid of Anxiety? That Might be the Problem.

Often when we have anxiety or OCD we hyperfocus on getting rid of the anxiety. We can view anxious feelings as the enemy. We might think that success is not being anxious 100% of the time. Success is not being uncomfortable. Success is being calm and content.

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PSP 374: Loving the Child You Have vs The Child You Wanted

PSP 374: Loving the Child You Have vs The Child You Wanted

Raising a child with anxiety or OCD can bring with it so many struggles, including our own grief and overwhelm. It is easy, and tempting, to bury our own raw emotions around our child’s anxiety or OCD struggles. But honoring and processing our feelings is equally important.

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Is your Child Scared if They Go to Sleep They Won’t Wake Up?

Is your Child Scared if They Go to Sleep They Won’t Wake Up?

Anxiety and OCD love certainty. It doesn’t like doubt. It wants to know 100% for sure. But that’s a problem. There are so many things we can’t know for certain. There is so much in life that we do not have control over.

In this week’s YouTube video I talk to kids, teens and young adults about the fear of going to sleep and not waking up and how to reframe their thinking around this fear.

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PSP 362: The Use of Storytelling in Anxiety and OCD

PSP 362: The Use of Storytelling in Anxiety and OCD

It can be hard to help kids navigate anxiety and OCD. Sometimes adding some creative ways to help validate, normalize and build skills to handle anxiety or OCD can be gold! One of my favorite ways to do that is through storytelling.

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PSP 360: Managing Our Anxiety When Our Child is Panicking

PSP 360: Managing Our Anxiety When Our Child is Panicking

Your child is paralyzed with fear. They are nauseous. They are faint. They are immobilized. It is hard to watch as a parent. For many of us it can trigger our own panicky response.

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PSP 350: Is it Game Over if Your Child Doesn’t Want to Work on Anxiety or OCD?

PSP 350: Is it Game Over if Your Child Doesn’t Want to Work on Anxiety or OCD?

It can feel like there is nothing you can do if your child refuses to work on anxiety or OCD. But in reality, that is far from true. We are one piece of the puzzle when it comes to our child’s anxiety or OCD, but it is still an important piece.

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PSP 348: Does Your Child’s Anxiety or OCD Trigger Your Childhood Wounds?

PSP 348: Does Your Child’s Anxiety or OCD Trigger Your Childhood Wounds?

Dealing with our child’s anxiety or OCD is taxing enough, but sometimes there is another layer of stress. Often our child’s struggles can trigger something deep within us. A childhood wound, a flashback, a remnant of something that has remained dormant within us.

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PSP 347: Do You and Your Partner Fight Over Your Child’s Anxiety or OCD?

PSP 347: Do You and Your Partner Fight Over Your Child’s Anxiety or OCD?

Raising a child with Anxiety and OCD is hard enough, but when you and your partner are not on the same page, it can be even harder.

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