PSP 129: Putting the Spotlight on Childhood Moral & Harm OCD with Aaron Harvey

PSP 129: Putting the Spotlight on Childhood Moral & Harm OCD with Aaron Harvey

A young girl worries she might stick out her middle finger, so she goes around keeping her hands in tight fists. Another boy worries he’ll go to hell if he lies, so he can’t even answer a simple question. A teenager boy is fearful he is staring at his teacher’s breasts, so he looks at the floor the entire day. And the saddest part? No one knows these kids are even suffering. Not their parents, not their teachers, not their friends.

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Ask the Child Therapist Episode 107 Kids Edition: Harm OCD in Children | How to Help

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 107 Kids Edition: Harm OCD in Children | How to Help

Harm OCD in Children: How to Help Them Harm OCD in children can be easily missed. Harm OCD makes kids worry they might do something to hurt or harm someone else or themselves. I often see kids with Moral OCD (scrupulosity OCD) have Harm OCD as well. Most kids with OCD have at least a few different OCD themes. You can learn more about Harm […]

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