Ask the Child Therapist Episode 79 Kid Edition: Teach Kids if They Change Their Thoughts They Can Beat Anxiety.

Ask the Child Therapist Episode 79 Kid Edition: Teach Kids if They Change Their Thoughts They Can Beat Anxiety.

Often when I ask kids what they do to beat anxiety they will say things like…

I try to get my mind off it
I distract myself
I take deep breaths (honestly I think they just say that because they think that is the “right” answer)

The one thing I almost never hear is…

I beat anxiety by changing my thoughts.

Now I know that isn’t earth shattering information, and yet most kids aren’t doing this one powerful, but simple thing.

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PSP 054: Exposure and Response Prevention Ideas for Parents Helping Children with OCD

PSP 054: Exposure and Response Prevention Ideas for Parents Helping Children with OCD

So maybe you’ve heard about Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), but the ideas of how to do exposures are just not flowing? Developing exposures require a deep understanding of your child’s core fears, while being creative and thinking out of the box.

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PSP 055: What Helped My OCD: A 12-Year-Old Talks About Her Experience

PSP 055: What Helped My OCD: A 12-Year-Old Talks About Her Experience

Having OCD is hard enough, but being a kid or teenager with OCD is even harder. Many children with OCD think they are the only ones suffering with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. They don’t realize that OCD in kids is much more common than they think! They struggle alone and many wonder how on earth they are supposed to beat OCD.

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PSP 053: What is ERP? How it Helps Anxiety & OCD

PSP 053: What is ERP? How it Helps Anxiety & OCD

When children are afraid or obsessed with a horrible thought you might think that the best way to help them is to teach them to get their mind “off of it.” Not only is this not effective, it can actually make anxiety and OCD worse. ERP for OCD and anxiety, also known as Exposure and Response Prevention is a counterintuitive therapy that has some parents running in the opposite direction.

But let me tell you why this wacky approach not only works, but is the gold standard for treatment.

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