PSP 109: Understanding What Your Child’s Difficult Behaviors Might be Telling You with Dayna Abraham

PSP 109: Understanding What Your Child’s Difficult Behaviors Might be Telling You with Dayna Abraham

In my home I have become somewhat of a detective. When my kids are angry, impulsive, hostile or defiant – there is also some pretty big anxiety or OCD hiding underneath. I have learned how to decode my child’s difficult behaviors in order to get to the heart of the matter.

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Ten Behaviors That Would Worry Even a Child Therapist!

Ten Behaviors That Would Worry Even a Child Therapist!

As parents we worry, that is what most of us do. But how do you differentiate what behaviors are common and what behaviors are something to worry about? Sometimes it is hard to tell. In my practice parents voice many concerns, many of which are easy to address and are typical for the developmental phase their kids are in. Some behaviors, however, warrant some serious […]

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