Don’t Do This If You Have Anxiety or Panic Attacks

Don’t Do This If You Have Anxiety or Panic Attacks

Anxiety and panic attacks are hard to handle. They can overwhelm your entire body and immobilize you. The physical symptoms can be the most debilitating part! When we hyperfocus on the false alarm that is happening in our body, we fuel the panic and create even more physical symptoms. It can turn into a vicious loop.

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Does Your Child Get Anxious Anticipating Things? How to Get Relief from Anticipatory Anxiety.

Does Your Child Get Anxious Anticipating Things? How to Get Relief from Anticipatory Anxiety.

Anticipatory anxiety can be just as paralyzing as other anxiety themes. When we live in the world of what-ifs we can build up so much anxiety that we are immobilized by the time the situation or event arrives. It can help to teach our kids to build up skills on how to manage their anxiety prior to the situation. When they proactively quell the monumental avalanche of anxious thoughts they show up for the event/situation with less anxiety. In this week’s YouTube video for kids and teens I talk about some approaches to handle and reduce anticipatory anxiety.

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How to Help When Your Child’s Anxiety Gets Triggered by Other Anxious People

How to Help When Your Child’s Anxiety Gets Triggered by Other Anxious People

Your child has spent a lot of time and energy learning how to cope with their anxiety. Perhaps they feel like they can finally manage their anxiety. But then someone near them starts to spiral out of control. Anxiety can feel contagious, especially when someone near them is panicking. How can they be around them, while keeping themselves grounded? In this week’s Youtube video I talk to kids and teens about ways to keep their own anxiety in check when someone near them is anxious.

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