Does Your Sensitive Child Crumble When People Yell or Have a Tone?
How many times have you heard, “Stop yelling at me!” When you are calmly telling your sensitive child what to do? Or how often do you hear, “She is so mean!” When your child is talking about teachers with an “all business” attitude. For some anxious kids, when people yell or have a firm tone – they crumble.
In this week’s Kids Youtube video I am talking to sensitive kids who feel the world crumble every time people yell or have a firm tone. I am letting them know how to survive in a world around them that isn’t always soft.
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This video is made for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice.
Other Resources for Sensitive Children:
PSP 112: Helping Your Sensitive Child Handle Mean People
Ask the Child Therapist Episode 111 Kids Edition: Helping Sensitive Kids Let Go of Grudges
How to Stop the World From Crushing Your Sensitive Children