Responsibility OCD – When OCD Tells Your Child They Need to Prevent Bad Things from Happening

This video is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

OCD has many flavors and subtypes. One subtype that can cause a tremendous amount of guilt and overwhelm is responsibility OCD, which is similar to Harm OCD. When our kids have responsibility OCD they get stuck on the concern that their actions, or inactions, can directly cause harm in other people.

In this week’s YouTube video I’ll talk to kids, teens and young adults about how responsibility OCD shows up and what they can do to overcome it.

In this week’s YouTube video I’ll talk to kids, teens and young adults about how responsibility OCD shows up and what they can do to overcome it.

🌸 I have a brand new FREE series starting this week. Have you ever wanted to be an effective anchor for your child’s anxiety or OCD but struggled doing it? I’ll teach you skills to become more present, calm and intentional with your child’s anxiety or OCD. Register for free at

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