What’s Your Child’s Personal Relationship like with OCD?
This video is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.
What is your child’s relationship with OCD? They are in a private relationship that no one, not even those closest to them can see. Only they know when they are feeding their OCD. Only they know when they are trying to protect OCD. Only they know when they are lying for OCD.
You and those around them might try to help them with OCD, but only they can get a full view of what is happening.
In this week’s YouTube video I talk to kids and teens as we take a raw look at the reality of their relationship with OCD. Will they discover there are some things that need to change?
Click below to watch:
Don’t have time to watch? Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel on anxiety/OCD and watch it later.
❤️ Let kids take control of their struggles. Give them more in-depth help for their OCD: