Teaching Kids How to Deal with People who Don’t Get OCD

It seems like wherever you go people are making comments or jokes about OCD. People who don’t get OCD make comments like…


I had an OCD moment
I am a bit OCD about that

There are some people who don’t get OCD. They make insensitive comments and jokes. In this kids youtube video I teach kids how to handle these situations.

These are comments from ignorant people who just don’t understand OCD. But unfortunately to a child this can be so hurtful coming from someone they like or respect.

In the latest edition of Ask the Child Therapist Kids Edition, I am teaching kids how to handle people who don’t understand OCD.

To watch this week’s episode click below. Don’t have time? Subscribe here and watch it later:



Video to Show People Who Don’t Fully Understand OCD:


Podcast to Send to People Who Don’t Get It:

Explaining OCD to those that don’t get it can be a daunting task. But people need to understand your child and your child’s OCD. Here are some ways to explain it…


Books on Childhood OCD: