Helping Kids with Anxiety or OCD Cope with Grief or Trauma 

It’s hard enough to have anxiety or OCD, but what happens when your child is hit with grief or trauma? It can feel like a muddy, chaotic mess. 

Unfortunately life happens and so do tragedies. Our kids are not immune to life happening to them, I wish they were. 

Anxiety and OCD are opportunistic. It will feed off the grief and trauma by trying to grow new themes and new compulsions.

Our family has suffered an unthinkable and sudden loss. My children are grieving the loss of their father. That alone would be an insurmountable feat. But they are also quietly fighting off another more subtle battle. The battle of an opportunistic disorder that thrives in chaos and tries to piggyback on any of life’s struggles. 

In this episode I talk about how to keep your head above water, while trying to make sure that your child’s anxiety or OCD doesn’t gain momentum.

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This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.