Helping Kids with OCD when it is a Feeling, not a Fear

This episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

OCD is not always about a fear, sometimes it is about a feeling. Kids with OCD can have intrusive feelings around disgust. They can have issues where things don’t feel just right. They can be hyper focused on bodily sensations like their breathing, blinking, heart rhythm and bladder.

This week I explore how these types of OCD themes show up and how to do ERP (exposure with response prevention) with this type of issue.

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I explore how these types of OCD themes show up and how to do ERP (exposure with response prevention) with this type of issue.


🌸 NEW! Want your kids to have direct help?

❤️ Course for kids and teens with OCD:

Crushing OCD Course for Kids & Teens


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