Does Your Child Mentally “Neutralize” OCD Intrusive Thoughts
This video is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.
OCD is sneaky, it often gets our kids to do compulsions that they may not even realize are compulsions! One common mental compulsion is neutralizing intrusive thoughts. Does your child have to compulsively pray, repeat a phrase or word or have a positive thought to neutralize a “bad” thought. Those are all examples of mental compulsions.
In this week’s YouTube video I talk to kids, teens and young adults about how OCD mental compulsions like neutralizing sneak in and how to beat OCD at its own game.
🌸 I have a brand new FREE series starting soon. Have you ever wanted to be an effective anchor for your child’s anxiety or OCD but struggled doing it? I’ll teach you skills to become more present, calm and intentional with your child’s anxiety or OCD. Register for free at www.atparentingsurvivalseries.com
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