The Relationship Between Misophonia, Misokinesia, and OCD

This episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

OCD loves to hang out with other issues. There are many comorbid conditions that go with OCD. Misophonia and Misokinesia are two of them. 

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I talk about the interconnected relationship between Misophonia, Misokinesia and OCD.

Does your child feel rage over certain sounds, including mouth and nose sounds? Does your child get overwhelmed by certain motions, like a foot tapping or knee bouncing? 

Those are common struggles people with Misophonia and Misokinesia experience.

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast, I talk about the interconnected relationship between Misophonia, Misokinesia and OCD.

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