The Biggest Misconceptions Parents Have About Child Anxiety and OCD Therapy

This episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

When your child is in therapy or you are searching for an anxiety or OCD therapist, you might have expectations and assumptions about how treatment should go. Often those expectations and assumptions are inaccurate.

Dr. Josh Spitalnick and Marti Munford from Anxiety Specialists of Atlanta, and I discuss the most common misconceptions they see among parents.

I invited therapists Dr. Josh Spitalnick and Marti Munford from Anxiety Specialists of Atlanta, to sit down with me on the AT Parenting Survival Podcast to discuss the most common misconceptions they see among parents.

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To learn more about Anxiety Specialists of Atlanta click here. Also, check out their YouTube channel and their series Raising Resilience: 25 Tips for Parenting your Child with Anxiety or OCD.

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