Understanding Magical Thinking in OCD

OCD symptoms and behaviors can look vastly different in each person. You might have a child who has compulsions centered around contamination while another person might have a child with compulsions around magical thinking. You might have a child with both!

In this episode I explain what OCD magical thinking is and how to help a child with OCD who is struggling with it.

I always tell parents that you want to be well versed in all the many ways OCD can pop up. OCD is whack-a-mole and it often changes themes and compulsions over time. The best proactive action you can take to help your child is knowledge.

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I explain what OCD magical thinking is, how it shows up and how to help a child who is dealing with it.

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In-Depth Help for Parents Raising Kids with OCD:

To get more in-depth help for your child with OCD, take my online class, How to Help Kids Crush OCD. I walk parents step-by-step on everything they can do at home to help their child with OCD.

How to Crush OCD Class

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