Loving the Child You Have vs The Child You Wanted

This episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

Raising a child with anxiety or OCD can bring with it so many struggles, including our own grief and overwhelm. It is easy, and tempting, to bury our own raw emotions around our child’s anxiety or OCD struggles. But honoring and processing our feelings is equally important.

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast I have an honest conversation about the thoughts many of us struggle with but hate to admit. I talk about having compassion for your own journey while developing insight into what lens you are seeing your child through.

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast, I have an honest conversation about the thoughts many of us struggle with but hate to admit. I talk about having compassion for your own journey while developing insight into what lens you are seeing your child through.

We’ll dive deeper into this in my upcoming FREE series: 🌸 Self-Care for Parents Raising Kids with Anxiety or OCD.

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