Learn OCD’s Sneaky Moves When Your Child Starts to Make Progress

This video is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

OCD is so sneaky! I often say it is like playing chess with a chess master. The minute your child starts to make progress, OCD can make some head dizzying countermoves. 

In this Youtube video I’m going to break down some of the common countermoves so OCD doesn’t throw your child or teen off track!

But don’t get too unsteady, in this week’s Youtube video I’m going to break down some of the common countermoves so OCD doesn’t throw your child or teen off track!

Click Below to Watch the Video:

Don’t have time? Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel on anxiety/OCD and watch later.


P.S: I’m cooking up an OCD online, on-demand class just for kids and teens to teach them those lifelong skills to keep one step ahead of OCD! You can learn more by adding your name to the waitlist:

Waitlist of Crush OCD Course for Kids & Teens