Helping Kids with Emetophobia, the Fear of Throwing Up
No one likes the idea of throw up. No one likes getting sick. But when you have a child with Emetophobia (the fear of throwing up), they are consumed with the idea of throw up. Will they see someone who throws up? Will they throw up? Will they catch something that will make them throw up?
This fear can balloon out of control. It can make a child avoid eating. It can make a child avoid school. It can make a child become so wrought with concern they don’t want to leave the house.
In this week’s Ask the Child Therapist Kid/Teen Youtube video, I talk to kids about how to handle Emetophobia. It is often the opposite of what most people think.
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Some of Our Other Resources on Emetophobia:
PSP 106: The Fear of Throwing Up: Parenting Do’s and Don’ts to Help Your Child with Emetophobia