Helping Kids with Emetophobia | The Fear of Throwing Up with Dawn Huebner 

This episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

It might surprise some people that the fear of throwing up, Emetophobia, is one of the most common anxiety and OCD themes. For those of us raising a child with it, it isn’t surprising at all!

In this episode I talk with Dawn Huebner about how we can help kids work through emetophobia.

Sometimes this fear is triggered by an event or experience, but often it is the imagination alone that causes this immobilizing concern. 

We all throw up and many of us see others throw up, but we are able to move past it without too much residual impact.

When you have Emetophobia you get stuck. Stuck worrying that you might get sick. Stuck worrying that others around you might get sick. Stuck analyzing, avoiding and ruminating. A vicious cycle that can keep people from living a full life. 

I invited Dr. Dawn Huebner to the AT Parenting Survival Podcast to discuss how we can help our kids work through Emetophobia. In her book, Facing Mighty Fears about Throwing Up (Dr. Dawn’s Mini Books about Mighty Fears), she teaches kids ages 6-10 years old skills to overcome these struggles.


Dr. Dawn’s other Mini Books about Mighty Fears:

Facing Mighty Fears About Trying New Things

Facing Mighty Fears About Health

Facing Mighty Fears About Animals

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