How to Use ACT to Help Kids with OCD with Dr. Patricia Zurita Ona

One of the biggest struggles parents have is motivating their child to work on OCD. Who can blame them? Working on OCD can be extremely difficult and overwhelming. But, there is a tool in the toolbox that many parents haven’t explored – that’s ACT.

Do you struggle to motivate your child with OCD to work on their issues. Learn how to use ACT to help motivate kids with OCD.


In this week’s episode on the AT Parenting Survival Podcast, I invited Dr. Patricia Zurita Ona (Dr. Z) on to talk to us about how we can use ACT to help kids with OCD.


She offers fun, creative ways to incorporate ACT principles into our exposures.


Dr. Z is the author of the new book, The ACT Workbook for Teens with OCD.


She is also the author of several other books including:

Mind and Emotions: A Universal Treatment for Emotional Disorders

Escaping the Emotional Roller Coaster: Act for the Emotionally Sensitive

Parenting a Troubled Teen: Manage Conflict and Deal with Intense Emotions Using ACT 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder


To learn more about Dr. Z’s work and her future online classes click here.


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