Getting ahead of school refusal before school starts

This episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified professional.

The idea of going back to school can bring waves of panic for both you and your child. You might want to pretend the first day of school will never happen. Trust me I get it! But there are things we can do in advance to prepare our kids to lessen the likelihood of school refusal.

Learn about some common anxiety and OCD themes that create school refusal and how to work on them before it becomes an issue.

In this week’s AT Parenting Survival Podcast, I talk about some common anxiety and OCD themes that create school refusal and how to work on them before it becomes an issue for next school year.

Also, I’m cooking up an OCD online, on-demand class just for kids and teens to teach them those lifelong skills to handle those waves! You can learn more by adding your name to the waitlist:

Waitlist of Crush OCD Course for Kids & Teens


Subscribe to my Youtube channel and check out my 5 part series on Youtube: 5 Things Every Person with OCD Should Know

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