The Fear of Throwing Up: Parenting Do’s and Don’ts to Help Your Child with Emetophobia

One of the most common anxiety themes is the fear of throwing up – Emetophobia. I am sharing the do’s and don’ts when trying to help your child through this fear.

Believe it or not, the most common anxiety issue I deal with in my therapy practice is the fear of throwing up. The formal name, Emetophobia, quietly paralyzes so many of our kids.

The fear of throwing up gets kids sucked into a vicious cycle.

I worry I’m going to be sick…
And the worry makes me feel sick.

So I worry some more.

How do you help your child get off this hamster wheel of torture? Surprisingly it is the opposite of what most parents think.

In this latest episode of The AT Parenting Survival Podcast I am sharing what to do and what not to do to help your child through Emetophobia.


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Other Podcast Episodes and Youtube Videos:

Anxiety can make kids feel nauseous. It can also make them have a fear of throwing up. This week in my YouTube video I am helping kids whose anxiety makes them feel sick and those who struggle with Emetophobia.

Emetophobia, the fear of throwing up can destroy a child’s world. Learn the best way to help this issue. The answer might surprise you.


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